Smart home automation

Use XD to get a job in UI Design, User Interface, User Experience design, UX design & Web Design
20 hours

About Course

Course Overview
At the end of this course, you will

  • By the end of this module, you should fully understand Wi-Fi and be able t make a good decision as to how to improve your Wi-Fi to support your new smart home.
  • This module learning content will supercharge your knowledge of Al and voice assistants within the context of a smart home.
  • You should fully understand smart alarms and be able to make a good decision as to how to move forward with using smart home alarms to improve home security levels.
  • You will be taught how you will add intelligence to your lights.
  • Various smart lighting products will be covered ranging from smart bulbs and switches to smart outlets and plugs.
  • You will learn the key benefits, technologies, and installation steps associated with smart thermostats.

Course Content

First Step

  • Introduction to Python
  • Getting started with Python
  • Complete Python Bootcamp
  • Quiz First

Second Step




4 Students
11 Courses